Items needed to complete the single-session online application:
For the 2026 DorWood Scholarships, applications will be completed and submitted online. Access to the online application will begin February 3, 2026 and END March 21, 2026.
The top button to the right will take you to the online application when activated on February 3, 2026.
L to R: Lauren Mobley, Sydney Bales, Emma McEwan, Daniel Breslin, Ashley Reents
L to R: John Thurman, Allison Kline, Keri Brose
Above left to right: DorWood Pres. Gary Brinkman, 2024 Sholarship Winners: Sydney Bales, FHS; Emma McEwan, FHS; Ashley Reents, FHS; Lauren Mobley, FHS; Kyri Brose, AHS; Allison Kline, AHS; Daniel Breslin, FHS; Scholarship Chair, Rich Bowden. Not pictured; Scholarship Winner John Thieman, AHS.
Left to Right: Mary Ayres, FHS; Katie Weir, FHS; Isabella Roberts, FHS; Brady Turner, FHS;
Hope Schultz, FHS; Ben Burkhardt, AHS; Aris Tashan, AHS; Will Lunne, AHS
Dor-Wood's 2021 Scholarship Recipients