Eligibility: To be considered for a Dorwood Optimist Grant, an organization
must serve Kettering youth and/or our community.
**Please read the following required terms before completing the online form below.
** Important Information
Individuals/Organizations seeking grant funds from the Dorwood Optimist Club must:
1) Be willing to certify and document formal figures.
2) Be willing to expend all monies for approved purpose.
If applicant is unable to use funds for approved purpose, funds or remaining portion must be returned to the Dorwood Optimist Club.
Complete a
Grant Follow-up Report and forward to Dorwood Optimist Club.
4) Be willing to report on achievements and/or goals accomplished to the Board of Directors and general membership of the club.
5) Be willing to acknowledge the support of the Dorwood Optimist Club where appropriate.
** Fixed Limits
1) There are no maximum or minimum grants, however keep in mind that Dorwood receives numerous requests for funds, and must stay within the budget granted by the Board of Directors.
As a result, not all requests for funds can be granted, or may be granted for an amount less than requested.
2) It should be noted that DorWood Optimist Club is a service club that serves the youth and the community of Kettering. Please keep that in mind when requesting any funding. Projects that benefit kids in our community will receive stronger consideration than those that do not. Identifying who will be impacted and how will be helpful to the Board of Directors in evaluating funding requests.
3) No financial assistance may be provided if the proposal is not in conformance with this application procedure.
Thank you for applying for a Grant from DorWood Optimist Club of Kettering, Ohio.
You will be contacted soon by a member of Dor-Wood's Board of Directors.