Essay Contest

Dor-Wood Essay Contest
The Essay Contest is sponsored by Optimist International to give young people the opportunity to write about their own opinions regarding the world in which they live. The approach can encompass a young person’s personal experience, the experience of their country or a more historical perspective. In additional to developing skills for written expression, participants also have the opportunity to win a college scholarship!

Topic for the 2024-2025 school year is: "How Optimism Has Paved My Road to Success” 

Who: Youth under the age of 19 as of October 1, 2025 (and is not enrolled as a degree seeking student of a post-secondary institution) in the United States, Canada or the Caribbean. There is no minimum age.

How To Enter: Interested students may contact their local Optimist Club. They need to submit an essay on the pre-assigned topic. Kettering students may contact Mike Higgins, Dor-Wood Optimist Club Essay Contest Chairman
      Email:           Phone:  937-671-8733
    All Club-level contests are held by early February. Student submissions will not be accepted after the Club-level contests have closed. Please contact your District Chair for more information.

Club winners advance to the District contest to compete for a $2,500 college scholarship. The District-level scholarships are funded by the Optimist International Foundations. 

2025 Essay Contest Winners

Award winners Anas Alzahrani, Kevine Niyigena and Chloe Adkins with teacher Jeanine Schaming,

Essay Contest co-chair Dave Mattie and Dor-Wood President Rick Armstrong

2024 Essay Contest Winners

From left: Julianna Nielson, VBMS, 3rd Place Tie ; Teagan Parker, St.Charles, 2nd Place;
Margaret Cope, St. Albert, 3rd Place Tie; Winner Audrey Molnar, Ascension; Essay Chair Mike Higgins

2023 Essay Contest Winners

from left, 2nd Runner-up Abigail Stidham (VBMS); 1st Place Joan Sarfino (KMS);
1st Runner-up Zoey Kavanaugh (St. Ch.) / not pictured: 2nd Runner-up Dalan Borrer (VBMS)

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2021 Dor-Wood Essay Contest Winners
Runner-Up Jude McManus - Ascension; Chairman Rich Bowden; Winner Bushra Hennaoui - Kettering MS

2020 Dor-Wood Essay Contest Winners
James Keeton from Van Buren MS; Chairman Rich Bowden; Kyle Merz from Kettering MS.
There was a tie for 1st Place.

2019 Dor-Wood Essay Contest Winners
     Chairman Rich Bowden; Ava Treon (Ascension); Megan Doyle (Kettering MS); Winner: Chloe Parries (Van Buren MS)
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