Jr. Optimist Clubs & Octagon Club

DorWood-Sponsored Junior Optimist Clubs
Information / Activities / Photos

Almost 40 J.O.I. kids, their advisors, parent volunteers, and 5 Dorwood members (Doug Fritz, Paul Atkinson, Dave Mills, Rick Vogel, and Mike Zywien) participated. Great event and the pumpkins were displayed in front of the school on Dorothy Lane for their “Truck or Treat” display and event Friday evening, Oct. 28th! Lots of fun had by all!

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    J.O.I. members report on International Convention 2023

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About Junior Optimist International

Junior Optimist International was officially formed in 1988. It is the umbrella organization which links the local Junior Optimist International Clubs and Members to others throughout the world. Much like Optimist International, Junior Optimist is governed by an International Board of Directors, as well as District Officers. From the Club level on up, Members have the opportunity to develop leadership and teambuilding skills all while helping communities. Each year there is an International Convention, which gives Members the opportunity to share in the decision-making process of the organization, meet young people with similar interests and goals, grow from training seminars…...and have fun!

Participation in Junior Optimist International gives young people the opportunity to serve their communities. Students who are involved in Junior Optimist Clubs learn about and practice good citizenship, teamwork, communication and money management. They feel good about themselves and have high self-esteem. Membership in Junior Optimist Clubs helps to develop friendships with others who share the same interests. There are opportunities for personal growth and leadership positions at Club, District, and International levels. Junior Optimist exposes Members to Optimism as a philosophy of life, provides Members with an improved sense of kindness, increased awareness for those in need, and a better sense of coping with cultural diversity. It also provides members the opportunity to complete community service hours required for graduation.

“Junior Optimist International Benefits the Community”
Junior Optimist Clubs create an increased number of young volunteers within the community –volunteers who will help to improve the quality of life. They can provide an interesting forum in which to address youth related issues. Junior Optimist International serves as an excellent training ground for future community leaders.

“Community Service”
The real purpose of Junior Optimist International Clubs is Community Service. Each Club is free to choose service projects, which fit the needs of the community. Some examples of projects are: environmental clean-up, Christmas caroling, peer tutoring, visiting nursing homes, helping with Special Olympics, cleaning up parks or school grounds, Toys for Tots, sponsor a book drive, and collecting food and school supplies to donate to area shelters or food banks.
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